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Are You Ready For The Secret Sauce?

Writer: Carenda DeonneCarenda Deonne

In the motivational speaking industry, there is a term used called “the secret sauce” It’s a great way to peak the interest of individuals to help solve their problems, and create an excitement for solution based results. The “Secret Sauce” is usually actionable steps that you can make applicable to your life almost immediately.

As a minister, mediator and motivational speaker, I want to share the “secret sauce” with you on what we as Christian disciples must do in order to maintain and thrive no matter what situation we find ourselves in. The “secret sauce” can be found in Romans 12:12.

It states, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” (ESV)

I would challenge you to not only commit this scripture to prayer, but also place it around your home to remind yourself of it regularly. It is so easy to become distracted, disheveled and disappointed. We all have our own stories of pain, grief, hardships, and/or sickness. However, there is a “secret sauce” The word of God equips us fully with what is needed daily in our Christian walk; no matter if we are experiencing rain or basting in the beauty of the rainbow.

The first call to action is rejoice in hope. Let’s look at a few scriptures on how important hope is

Hebrews 10: 23 states, “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”

Isaiah 40:31 states, “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.”

Psalm 9:18 states, “But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.”

We must rejoice in hope. We must rejoice in the expectation for a certain thing to happen, shift or change! Rejoice in hope that your latter will be greater than your former. Rejoice in hope that our God is an ever-present help in a time of need. Rejoice in hope that the boundary lines have fallen for you in pleasant places, and indeed you have a beautiful inheritance. Pain is real, but so is hope. Grief is real, but so is hope. Suffering is real, but so is hope!

The second call to action is patience in tribulation. Lord, I may need to say that again. The second call to action is patience in tribulation. Healing takes time! Don’t rush the process of your restoration. Tribulation does not feel good but if we extend patience, we can allow God to speak to us, counsel us, and comfort us. When you display a lack of patience in your tribulation, you could prolong the situation or circumstance. In addition, you could damage yourself and others, and you could limit the opportunity to heal fully. Be kind to yourself in this process and wait on the Lord. Hold on and hold out, your tribulation has an expiration date.

The final call to action is consistency in prayer. As Christians we all know the importance of prayer.  We all are aware that prayer is one way to communicate and commune with God. The question may not be if you pray, but how consistent are you?  The bible also tells us to pray without ceasing. There must be something powerful, earth shaken, and heaven bound when we are consistent in prayer. Don’t get caught up on if you have the right words, or how long or short a prayer needs to be, or even where you pray. 

When you pray, pray to the Father, give thanks, be honest and open, thank God for answered prayers, and always seal it in Jesus name. You may have a speech impediment but keep praying. You may feel weary but keeping praying.  You may feel unworthy but keep praying.  The secret sauce is to be consistent.  Pray in the good times and the challenging times. God desires that closeness. The consistency builds your faith and trust in Christ.  The consistency helps to break chains and strongholds.  The consistency continues to guide you and strengthen you in spirit and in truth.

Now you have it! You have the secret sauce on what it will take to maintain and thrive as a Christian believer. Will you make it applicable to your everyday living? Will you lean, rely and depend on Romans 12:12 to be your guide, in this thing we call life? The Lord loves you, yield to His desires on living a fruitful Christian life. I don’t know about you, but its time to taste and see that the Lord is good! Please, enjoy your “secret sauce!”



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